Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mark Birnbaum attracting celebrities to his nightlife industry

Mark Birnbaum is attracting not only the party goers of the New York City but also celebrities like Beyonce and Jay-Z to his nightlife venues. Celebrities for various fields like actors, models, politicians, singers and sports-persons are keen to enjoy the nightlife, Mr. Birnbaum is offering. Check us on Youtube

Monday, June 9, 2014

The personality who is ruling NY’s nightlife industry

The owner of one of the biggest and most successful nightlife empire in New York, EMM Group,Mark Birnbaum and his team doubled down, after the success of Tenjune, a red hot nightclub in Manhattan. Venues founded by Mark’s EMM Group include lounges, restaurants, and rocking clubs in the city. Explore more on web.stagram